Wednesday 26 August 2009

aahh..busy bee....and a call+email from Freeze Photography

yesterday was very hectic...from the early morning right to eve..
I was attempting to submit my UK visa application for my hubby & 2 kids- documentation are ready yet unable to proceed at this stage as the visa office wants to see a minimum of RM63 K in my account as financial evidence...OMG..
this is the time when seeking family & siblings' help is inevitable..

in the late afternoon, Hidayat from Freeze Photography gave me a call (and later I got email from Freeze on the same matter) to set up the appointment for the one day photoshoot <--the package that I won from Intrend Mag in the Valentine Promo contest..-->the package is said to worth RM2800 in total=>o yess...photoshoot is not cheap nowadays!!!

The date given is either 1st or 2nd Oct both on weekday<=dunno whether hubby can take leave on that day or not to join in the shoot...tak best lah if onlyme & 2 kids in the whole session...anyway not much choice for the date, so I pick 1st Oct for the photoshoot...
me soooo eager to attend that photoshoot thingy ;P...

Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
3.05 pm
~my lil office~


  1. ha..omg..63 k? maknanya ktrg nti nk bt visa nufah paling5 rm50 k mesti ada la..adehhh..nk pgsan kena carik duit lg..huhu

  2. dugaan tuh suzie...ada hikmah semua dari kesusahan

  3. sya - visa office kata kena sediakan dlm account GBP 400 permonth per pax, exchange rate now 5.8, so tolak campur darab bahagi jadilah RM63 k utk 3 pax for 9 months...:|

    Ayu-yup memang dugaan pun ...sbb nak bwk my family ke UK ni..
