Saturday 11 July 2009

Yippie vs KelabNuri

I bet all parents have some sort of savings or insurance for their children as the financial security. Me not excluded...ever since my Zharfan was born 4 years back, I bought for him Takaful Siswa (educational insurance in the form of savings), and I have just bought the same policy for my lil Ariff last month.

For bank savings account, Zharfan has Yippie-Maybank account - he got a coin box with the minimum deposit of RM500. A significant benefit of Yippie is that it is also attached with sort of life-insurance, though the coverage is very minimal.

The latest savings account that I opened up for my 2 boys is Kelab Nuri-Bank Rakyat.
Well..I do know the existence of this type of savings account, but the funny part is I'm not aware of its benefit(though always see the commercials on tv -->"Saya mesti pilih" as uttered by a girl in that ad...until I discovered about its benefit last week when I went to Bank Rakyat Selayang branch to collect my gift (won from Harmoni mag).

Kelab Nuri offers pretty attractive in form of gifts given with certain amount of savings/money deposit <-- better in this sense compared RM15to Yippie.
Yess...the minimum deposit is just RM150, and for this amount of savings, my boys got a lovely coin box cum puzzle-thingy, plus member card, & booklet of recent activities by Kelab Nuri.Sooo nice!
The coin box cum puzzle - must solve the puzzle to open up the lid of this coin box

And if certain amount of money is deposited monthly, there are quite a number of gifts to be redeemed too!! Attractive gift redemption based on monthly savings deposited into the account

Hopefully my boys would have more rezeki coming to them, so can top up their money in their savings account! Amiin..

Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
3.40 pm
~home sweet home~

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