Friday 24 July 2009

~ Romantic Get-Away Contest ~

Ummi Khayra is having the above contest in conjunction with her upcoming 2nd wedding anniversary on 26th August. The contest runs from 15th July - 15th August.

The t&c is as follows:

"1. Buat satu entry khas untuk pertandingan ni.

2. Upload gambar berkenaan tempat menarik dan romantik bersama suami atau keluarga masing-masing dan sertakan detail berikut:
i. Nama tempat:
ii. Pergi dengan siapa:
iii. Kenapa tempat tu dipilih:
iv. Pengalaman menarik/romantik:
3. Tempekkan logo contest di bawah di blog anda dan linkkan ke blog ni. 4. Letakkan link sponsor ( ) untuk contest ini.

5. Akhir sekali, letakkan link entry anda di komen entry ini. Mudah kan? :)

Pemenang akan di pilih berdasarkan pengalaman yang paling menarik/paling romantik yang dapat membuatkan juri a.k.a encik suami terasa nak pegi untuk sambut anniversary kami. Saya tak boleh jadi juri... :P

Dua pemenang akan di pilih oleh juri. Keputusan hakim adalah muktamad.

Hadiah untuk contest ini di taja sepenuhnya oleh, One Drop Fragrance Shoppe."

Since cuti-cuti Msia is one of my fav, MUST-DO activity every year (few times a year actually) let me just try my luck to join this contest, at the same time sharing my lovely experience of some romantic vacations that I had so far ;)

Here is my entry:

1st destination-->

i. Nama tempat: Fraser Hills; specifically Smoke House Resort

ii. Pergi dengan siapa: my hubby

iii. Kenapa tempat tu dipilih: my honeymoon destination(August 2004)

iv. Pengalaman menarik/romantik:

Cool hilly vacation, perfect for honeymooners or couples who fancy highlands vacation. We stayed at Smoke House hotel, on the reason that it is English style hotel – so ala2 overseas vacation lor..the hotel interior decoration is impressively in English style! The room that we stayed was large & spacious, and the English breakfast (that includes with room package) are heavenly delectable!!! (me drooling recalling the yummy scones!)

Some romantic activities that we did together – lots of photo taking – using the digicam timer function coz no photographer –riding, bird-watching, mandi-manda at the nearby waterfall , lots sight-seeing as the weather is so conducive & lovely<--cool, fresh air!! The best activity is none other than – YUP doing nothing/lazying ie bermalas-malasan lor..FULL RELAXATION

2nd destination-->

i. Nama tempat: Water Chalet, Bukit Merah Laketown Resort

ii. Pergi dengan siapa: 3 times in total so far....1st time with my sis &her family to celebrate my birthday, 2nd time with my hubby , 3rd time with my younger brother and sister.

iii. Kenapa tempat tu dipilih: when I went there for 2nd time, it was for my honeymoon (July 2004), just after the wedding --> We went to few destinations for our honeymoon actually

iv. Pengalaman menarik/romantik :

The water chalet at Bukit Merah Laketown resort is superb!! I would give 5 star rating for the magnificent room, courteous staff, special buggy service for guests staying at the Water Chalet. Romantic activities here include sunset cruise (on a rented private boat). The buffet breakfast that we had was also heavenly sumptuous – the floating café which is attached to the water chalet is marvelous, the ambience and setting gave us the romantic mood too!

Other activities that couples and families would find enjoyable – boat ride on the large lake, visit to Orang Utan island cum sanctuary, sight-seeing at the zoo, riding chair lift, duck feeding, waterplay at the waterpark etc.

The other plus factor of Bukit Merah Laketown Resort is it is located very2 near to the highway, ie very short distance after we exit the highway!

3rd destination-->

i. Nama tempat: Port Dickson – specifically :

1) Water Chalet Avillion Port Dickson, and

2) Eagle Ranch Resort

ii. Pergi dengan siapa: my hubby and my boy Zharfan

iii. Kenapa tempat tu dipilih: weekend gateway cuti-cuti Malaysia lor

iv. Pengalaman menarik/romantic:

Water Chalet Avillion PD is another fantastic, romantic vacation for honeymooners or couple – the chalet is heavenly cozy and luxurious (if u can afford to pay for the suite)..we stayed in the deluxe water chalet – I was mesmerized by the way the room is decorated and furnished…to sleep at the water chalet is like floating on the wave – the experience of staying there is simply marvelous!! The landscape of the chalet is equally scenic & wonderful<-- perfect if u love taking photos (like me lor…) I have posted a detail story in my previous entry (Feb 2009)

Another unique place for holiday in PD is Eagle Ranch Resort. Simply perfect for couple who are adventurous and enjoy doing activities such as horse-riding, boating, canoeing and the like. The resort is unique as it is based on cowboy theme – we were staying in Teppe! Sort of red-indian tent, but of course it’s a room, with aircond and tv. We did spend time for horse-cart riding. And the plus factor is, Teppee is very much affordable in rate ie RM99 per nite for weekend, if weekday RM80 only!!!

4th destination-->

i.Nama tempat: Pangkor Island

ii. Pergi dengan siapa: my hubby and my boy Zharfan

iii. Kenapa tempat tu dipilih: to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary

iv. Pengalaman menarik/romantic :

Ferry ride from Lumut jetty to Pangkor Island is an enjoyable experience. We stayed at Pangkor Island Beach Resort, in the Pacific Wing room. The room deco and furnishing is wonderful. From our room balcony, we can see sea, swimming pool, and many hornbills on trees (the resort staff feeds the hornbills regularly, so the hornbills keep on coming to the resort creating a lovely scene)

The romantic activity was, we had our dinner at the Hornbill Café which is located just next to the beach…and we enjoyed the sea-breeze sunset while having our anniversary dinner!! So romantic (though less romantic as we had to entertain our lil Zharfan lor)

Other romantic activities is strolling on the beach, main pasir, running on the seaside, and we laughed and really enjoyed ourselves riding on the swing that we found on the beach near the resort!

To the judge cum En Suami to Ummi Khayra, sudi2kan pilih one of the above destinations yer – based on type of activities that u fancy of doing and based on ur budget too! Water Chalet (Bukit Merah & Avillion PD) would definitely cost more, but the stay is gonna be memorable that’s for sure!

And to Ummi Khayra & hubby, Happy 2nd wedding anniversary!!!! and thanks for the give-away yer!!

Till then,
Mama Zharfan
6.30 pm
home sweet home


  1. Salam Mama zharfan

    Thank you sebab sudi join contest saya nih.. :) Sorry lambat sikit menjenguk.. Wahhh.. banyak choice nih... Makin peningla en. suami nanti... :P

  2. salam jengah...

    mak aiiii, byk nyer tempat bercuti ni...

    tak pernah g bukit fraser..
    brp yer caj semalam kat smoke house tu?

  3. to ummikhayra, thanks sbb buat contest ni ;)

    to kak yong, caj semlm kat smoke house tu RM300 ++..kalau nak check exact latest rate, cuba bukak website diorg,tak pun just give them a call to inquire ;)

  4. salam mama zharfan
    bestnya banyak tempat dah pergi...

  5. salam nadnye..thanks sbb sudi singgah my blog.
    ala...cuti2 msia ajer..msia kan byk tempat yg best! (bunyik mcm tourism msia plak :p

  6. wah byknye gmbr romantik die....best2..good luck
