Sunday 5 July 2009

Myshine2u giveaway : Diaper Cake anyone?? ;)

-->this is my #3 of the giveaway by Mysunshine2u...

DIAPER CAKE?? what kind of cake is that???...the truth is (odd but true)..I have never heard or came across this term, until I saw it on Mysunshine2u blog...hmmm..(me sounds ignorant rite..)

but this two-word thingy is for sure something to do with diaper-baby-stuff things..and wild guess is somehow correct!

Mysunshine2u sweetly defines 'Baby Diaper Cake' as

-->A baby diaper cake resembles a tiered cake, made with rolled diapers, and some of the items that are necessities for the new parents. Some of those items include disposal diaper, baby bath and lotion, towels, handkerchief, cotton nappie, baby bib, burp cloth, baby socks and a baby toy is included with every cake! A complete list of ingredients is listed along with the cake of your choosing.

-->This 'cake' like normal cake; it comes in "1 tier, 2 tier & even 3 tier!!!"that's awesome :)

In fact, this Baby Diaper Cake is the signature product/specialty offered by the creative owner of Mysunhine2u.

Let's now 'cuci-cuci mata' with some of the fantastic Diaper Cake available from the blog cum Creative Shop...



And this is my FAVOURITE diaper cake!!! Stunning isn't it?? Me drooling oredi...-->perhaps I can put this item in my lil Ariff wish list and then send to all his uncles & aunties (in the hope of getting it as a gift lor..;)

This is one of the giveaway prizes awaiting the Lucky Winner!!!!

Orait...just a quick reminder, Mysunhine2u Giveaway is still running, until 8th got few more days before it is closed..hurry up yer for those interested!!

As praying for best of luck in this giveaway..who knows there is rezeki for my lil Ariff to win the alluring prizes!! Good Luck to me and all contestants!!!

Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
8.50 am
~home sweet home~

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