Friday 10 July 2009 won Mysunshine2u Giveaway!!!

Alhamdulillah...I have been selected as one of the 5 winners for Mysunshine2u Giveaway. Thanks Zar!! U really makes my day.

So here is my copy paste from Mysunshine2u blog:

Ok ler. sorry to keep you waiting ^_^ dengan ini saya mengumumkan, pemenang Mysunshine Blog Giveaway.........**sunyi sepi**
Asmieyra, Mama Zharfan<--THAT"S ME!!!!!, Hanzs, Sherry & Nadnye! clap clap clap clap!!!!
nape ada 5? sebab I fenin nak pilih 2 !!! LOL. ... coz sume creative belaka....^_^
there will be 3rd design for this Diaper cupcake. I post the image later
ada lagi...pada 21 contestant, pun ada gift!!
each of you will get, 1 piece of Baby Bib (nanti I upload gamba)
and all 26 contestant will get 10% discount for all purchase & cloth diaper 5%. 1 time offer.
tima kasih kerna sudi join contest Mysunshine Gift Shop
zar ^_^ "

So now eagerly waiting to get hold of the prize!!! From the pic at Mysunhine2u blog, it's definitely gonna be sooooo lovely <--tak sampai hati to unwrap or use it...but it's rezeki for my lil Ariff!!*Thanks Anne(jb) who sms me about the result - I was in the meeting, which finished at 1 o'clock..:p

Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
2.05 pm
~my cozy lil office~

**Congrats to my buddy comper ayuarjuna for winning BIGGG amount of cash in a number of contest this I'm praying for her aura to be with me (tempias lor..) Amiin. :)


  1. It was Mrs Anne also informed me about the winning! Mari kita leap hip-hip hooray samer2. :D

  2. :) happy for my blogging friends to win. clap!clap!

    contestant yg x menang pun ada dpt baby bib tau.. :)

  3. congrats suzie...wah u apa kurangnya..teruja I..hehe
