Thursday 23 July 2009


Today I received some goodies from my blogger friends (via contest organized by them)...
Yess... I got a lovely Anna Sui purse from Bettyone...and a recycle-green earth shopping bag plus voucher to shop at online store -->toys&books voucher from Hanz!! Thanks guys..muah ;)

Yesterday I went to collect my parcel from the office of Sure-Reach courier company in PJ. Nothing much- just conso cum redemption from previous Dutch Lady contest (Peraduan Dwi Ganjaran Dtuch Lady).. this is my 2nd redemption ie tupperware/'whatever-ware' and a t-shirt. My first redemption which has arrived long time ago was a bath towel and a photo frame.

Still praying for more luck to win bigger (like my buddy comper ayuarjuna ;) and her friend who has just won a whopping RM4K habib jewel voucher...they are really master-comper!!)

So bz lately with my thesis not much time to do blog updating or joining blog-based contest..aiseyyy...

Till then,
Mama Zharfan
10.25 pm
home sweet home

1 comment:

  1. suziekku,,,he he..not me la suzie..only my fren...i didn't won that precious..jewels...may be our luck next time suzie,,,,
