Tuesday 14 July 2009

: : Funny Birthday Moment Photo Contest : :

hohoho....bettYone is organizing a contest for her upcoming birthday this July. Everyone is invited to join as long as you have your blog running.

So How To Join This Exciting Contest??
-->super-easy to enter.

Complete these six (6) steps and you can stand a chance winning the prizes!

1. Follow
bettYone @ My.B.E.T.T.Y.ful.Soul.Blog - add bettYone to your blogroll. -->DONE!!
2. Post an entry about -
: : Funny Birthday Moment Photo Contest : : -->DONE (this entry lor!!)

3. Upload one (1) photo showing your most hilarious birthday moments with a creative written description of the photo. --> SEE BELOW
4. Place the contest button on your blog sidebar.-->DONE!!

5. Add my link: http://bettyone-mybettyfulsoul.blogspot.com/ in your entry.-->DONE!!
6. Drop me a comment with the link to your contest entry.-->DONE!!

After digging thru my boy's birthday pics...I finally decided to choose this pic for the entry of Funny Birthday Moment Photo Contest...

Well...this pic was taken at Zharfan 3rd birthday party, held at KFC Wangsa Maju last year... See..his pirate birthday party headgear was kind of loose/too big for his head..it ended up like what happened in the picture-->the headgear was almost falling down, while Zharfan was trying hard to balance it, so that it wouldn't fall down !!! And guess where's Mama then?...Lor..busily mingling around chit-chatting...not really aware of what had happened to this birthday boy :p

oh yeah....let's check out the prizes for this contest.........

Lovely rite?...me now praying for luck and rezeki to be one of the 2 winners.. Insya Allah..Amiin..
Thanks yer
bettYone for organizing this cute, unique contest!!

Till then,
Mama Zharfan
9.30 pm
home sweet home


  1. ish3x~ kesian kat besday boy..
    hihiks;p best of luck ya!

  2. Aperlah mama ni asyik chit-chat sampai lupa Zharfan.. :>

    Break a leg! (another way to say Good Luck!) :P

  3. Gud luck mama zharfan.. kiut la little zharfan nih... :)

  4. thanks Hanz for the best wish and thanks UmmiKhayra for the compliments ;)
