Sunday 5 July 2009

Baby’s Day Out –-> Kite-flying!!!

Yesterday, my Zharfan, my lil Ariff, my hubby, my nephew Ayin and me went for day’s out at a public park – Taman Metropolitan Kepong. The park has been our favourite spot for our family day-out cum hang-out almost every weekend ever since our Zharfan was a small baby!...Simply because there are endless activities to do at the park!!

But yesterday was super-specialGUESS WHY????

It was the first time my Zharfan took his first kite to be flown –BEN-10 KITE (my boy is a big-fan of far he's got t-shirt, sandals, books, a wrist watch and other merchandize of this Ben-10 character!)

Zharfan posing with his Ben-10 kite..see, he's also wearing the Ben-10 sandals :p

The park is perfect for kite-flying due to wonderful outdoor breezy atmosphere, and this particular park is pretty famous among cityfolks for this activity <--it was once featured on Majalah3 (TV3).

My boy (in fact all of us, including me) were really having fun to fly the kite…though not so successful (ie our kite flew lower than other hundreds of kite on the sky)…

My Zharfan was anxiously waiting Papa to attach string to the kite before it can be flown

Papa was helping Zharfan to hold the kite-string

Zharfan was excited to see Papa flying the kite <--huhuhu though so low..the kite didn't manage to fly higher..

Zharfan favourite activity - running here and there, chasing for the kite and Papa, who busily attempting to make the kite fly higher :p

But who cares! It’s not about being the best kite-flier, but it is about fun and spending time together!!

Truthfully, we have been doing lots of activities here in that park, from the day Zharfan was a baby, and now he is a-4-year-old toddler!

The following pictures speak for themselves!!!

Zharfan crawling - when he was a small baby :)

Zharfan posing near the mini-water-fountain in the park ; plus the cute dolphin scuplture

Our mini-picnic at the park (we love pizza..nyum nyum...) ;)

Zharfan having fun at the park!!!

YESS, activities for our baby’s day out at the park range from crawling (those baby days!), and then jumping, running, chasing the ball, water-play at the mini-water-fountain in the park, cycling, climbing at the playground, family picnic <--at times we have our breakfast or even tea here!! Or yeah, not forgetting ‘photoshooting’ – the scene is fabulous for those love taking pictures (that’s me!!)..

So this myriad of to do activities explain why we never get bored frequenting this park again and again….

My Zharfan has always enjoyed his (our) day’s out, and looks forward to our next day’s out together..perhaps kite-flying again ;)

Mama's pose - with Zharfan, the kite and lil Ariff in the stroller ;)

Till then,

Mama Zharfan
10.50 am Sunday
~home sweet home~