-->A creative biz...crafts!!!
Zhanees-Craft is having a lovely giveaway. It runs until 30 june --hurry up for those interested to join!!
Before checking out the rules, let's CHECK OUT THE PRIZES!!
Hooray!! The prizes are all soooo sweet & lovely!!
1. oreo hp strap
2. luv-vy keychain
3. coin purse
4. brooch
5. fridge magnet

So what's the rules?
Here is what I copy paste from the blog:
"1. copy gambar di atas (salah satu pn xpe) dan buat entry berkaitan giveaway ni pada blog atau pada mana2 tempat spt yg dinyatakan di atas.
2. buat link untuk blog zhaneez-craft ini dlm entry tersebut
3. setelah buat 2 syarat di atas, anda dapat 2 point..kiranya 2 kali nama anda akan dimasukkan dalam list cabutan4. anda perlu bg komen pada n3 ini. dgn tajuk: kenapa anda nk menang game ni. tak terhad pun jumlah komen tu.ehe.bagi yg tak buat 2 syarat di atas, masih boleh bg komen juga..cuma anda dapat 1 point je. bererti nama anda hanya dimasukkan sekali je dalam list nanti."
Simple rite!!
Oh yeah...if i were to choose among the listed prizes, I'd love to have the fridge magnet! (me being a fridge-magnet collector!)..but if could have all the 5 cute prizes, that's awesome *greedy mode lah plak..*
To Zhaneez-craft, all the best in ur creative thingy biz yer!! And a bunch of thanks for the giveaway!!
Till then,
Mama Zhar-Riff
11.15 am
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