The contest runs from 4-30th June...Of course the first thing that comes first to mind when talking about contest is the what's the prize???
SOOOOO Attractive!! --> Louis Vuitton DAMIER CANVAS WALLET worth RM95 <-- will be delivered direct to the winner's hubby or father, together with a sweet father's day card!!!!!!
Let me try my luck in this contest then..
~ As required by the T&C, I have followed the blog and add Zarashoppe to my bloglist. 3rd T&C is for me to review Zarashoppe..
SO HERE IS MY REVIEW ~> in a fun way I believe :p
Z=ZOOM-OUT to Zarashoppe my latest discovery of an exciting e-shopping avenue
A=A lot of gorgeous items offered for sale (or u can simply ‘cuci mata’! no harm)
R=Range from branded wallets – LV, Gucci, to lovely Turkey scarves & accessories
A=All are reasonably priced, worth buying – this is the part that I love most!!
S=Shopping online is now as easy as ABC
H=Hurry up!! Your dream wallet is just few clicks away
O=OMG!! I fell in love with almost ALL of them – confession of a ‘bagholic’
P=Payment is easy peasy too – via COD, Cash Deposit, Maybank2U, ATM Transfer
P=Postman will deliver the fabulous item right to ur doorstep to u with smile
E=Excellent e-shopping experience in style!
4th T&C is for me to upload a pic of myself and my hubby OR myself and my father...
After browsing thru my pic collections, I've decided to put up this pic:
The picture that I chose for this contest is my pose with my father – I have just realized that out of THOUSANDS of my picture collections in my laptop, this picture is the ONE & ONLY pose that I had with Ayah, taken on Hari Raya wayback in 2006…
My father – whom I lovingly call as ‘Ayah’ is now 70 years old – he had been strict (most of the times hot-tempered & fierce) in bringing us up (I have 6 siblings) we grew up not having close relationship with Ayah..THAT EXPLAINS WHY I DON’T HAVE MANY PICTURES POSED WITH HIM…but being an adult, a parent myself now, I could understand the wisdom of whatever Ayah had done to ensure all his children excelled in their studies, careers and lives.
Emm..whether I realize it or not, I tend to take Ayah for granted, until the day Ayah fell critically ill, that was 8th May 2009, when Ayah lapsed into 20-day-coma for having liver damage – diagnosed as END-STAGE LIVER DAMAGE…with barely any hope, I, my siblings, my whole family prayed hard to Allah for Ayah to gain consciouness (he had been dependent on life-support machine, underwent two operations during his coma)..
And Allah the Al-Mighty has granted our prayers and gave MIRACLE to Ayah to gain consciousness..though as-at-to-day, Ayah is totally bed-ridden, unable to move, and need round the clock nursing and care – we don’t even know how many days more Ayah can survive, as his liver is totally damage, and he couldn’t take any chemical-based medicine as it would become toxic in his body. It was hard for us to believe that Ayah is suffering from a very critical disease, as he had been healthy and active, until the day he went into coma…
In conjunction with the coming Father’s Day, my only hope, wish and prayers is that to see Ayah fully recovering, no matter how little or minimal the chance is...deep in my heart, I LOVE AYAH so much, no words can describe that…
And if I win this contest, I’m certain that this heartfelt prize would more or less cheer Ayah up cum a sweet surprise for him too…., as Ayah has always appreciated whatever gifts given by his children to him…
To my beloved daddy, Hj Ismail bin Awang Besar, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!! I pray that Allah would grant and bless you with health and long-life, Insya Allah, Amiin…

Till then,
Hj Ismail’s daughter – Suzi
12.30 noon
amiin suzie..moga ayah u cepat sembuh...
:( Tuhan lebih sayangkan my dad :(
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