Monday 29 June 2009

Sarakids Open Day - "pink&white day"

The weather was good- sunny & bright. Me, hubby and our 2 boys arrived there on time. We were greeted by Sarakids owner, Puan Farah- she's so sweet & looks soo ayu!We registered, got a cute goodie bag and the number for lucky draw-->SK 110.
the lovely banner for the event

We chose a table and 3 seats under the pink&white tent, and I quickly browsed thru the booths there...managed to grab some of the very good bargain baby stuff like Disney feeding set and 2 sets of boxed babywear, not forgetting a Ladybird wrist rattle for my lil Ariff!
In our pink outfit!

The event started at 3.10 pm..everything went smooth according to the schedule - there were birthday celebration for Puteri Sara Azalea, followed by father's day celebration.
Puteri Sara Azalea-the birthday girl! as sweet as her mother :)

The next event was games for kids handled by the Clown, and few briefings - on bf, cloth diaper and sling/ring pouch.
Zharfan with his conso prize - he joined father-and-child game (the game of fastest father feeding jelly to their kids)

The food was delectable, lots of varieties!

The most awaited part finally came...yesss..the prize-giving for Bonda's Day Contest organized earlier by Sarakids blog.
So I went up to the mini stage to receive my prize!! Wow, other than the Tiara Beach Resort PD voucher, Puan Farah has generously given me an additional prize - that's a sweet surprise!! -->"Find-Me" Neon Play Tent and Tunnel Combo Set (it is worth RM89.00!)

The lucky draw event was equally fun & rewarding, as everyone seems to get a prize (lots of prize provided by Sarakids) I went to the stage for the 2nd time to receive the Lucky Draw prize ie Cartoon(Ladybird) Hanging Pocket!!
Lucky draw prize-giving

I didn't manage to mingle around with other bloggers, except that I sempat smiled and introduced myself to "Farah"- a blogger (, who happens to sit near my table...

We left the event at 5 pm, after taking pics (group pic) and a pic with Puan Farah.
Me posing with Farah before going off.

It was indeed an enjoyable moment being there... Thanks Farah@Sarakids for such a wonderful event and congrats for handling it successfully!!!

~ that almost everyone seems to adhere to the theme colour ie dressing in pink&white outfits, and that's including my family!! <--I bought a pair of babywear in pink for my lil Ariff just a day before the event!

~that I saw many mothers carrying their babies in sling pouch!! That makes me drooling- wanna have one, but the price of the pouch is not that got to find some additional fund to buy it..

~that all guests come with their small kids and babies...that's awesome!!

Till then,
Mama Zhar-Riff
10 pm


  1. salam...
    i tercari2 u hari itu!
    tapi tak jumpa lak..sebelum nih jz jadi silent reader blog je..cdg2 nak laa berkenalan :)
    by the way..salam perkenalan!

    ops..tahniah!byk tul dpt hadiah hr tu yer..

  2. hi munira!! salam perkenalan dari i juga yer!

  3. haaa...i lupe nak mention nama u dlm blog...ekekeke..kite exchange link ek..

    bessnye dpt adiah!

  4. wah...banyaknya suzie hadiah yang u dapat...anyway congrats ya...really master comper,,,outstanding mother n lecturer...tabik2 sifu

  5. ala ayu..u lg terer la!!!tabik spring i kat u :)

  6. hi salam kenalan :)
    i nampak u lah kat sara kids open day... kita dok bersebelahan meja je but malu2 nak tegur nyer byk dpt hadiah :D btw kita exhange link yeah...
