HOORAYY!!!! MomBloggersPlanet is having another exciting contest! This is my 3rd time joining in contests by MomBloggersPlanet, tough luck so far :(, so hoping for better luck this time…Amiin..

Since Zharfan is not qualified to join - he is 4 years old now, so my lil’ Ariff would be in the running to win the contest then.. :)
So, the entry photo for this contest is…TARAAA…

My lil Ariff in red dotted hat & shirt (though not in total red!) :p this was taken when Ariff was 11 days old!!!
For the purpose of the contest, here is the details of my baby boy:
Date of birth : 15th April 2009 (sharing the same birthday month with Mama!)
9 REASONS WHY ARIFF should grab the title “Cutest Baby in Red“:
1) He is CUTE, ADORABLE, LOVABLE, CHARMING, SWEEEET, MUNCHKIN, CUTEY PIE.. (in mommy eyes forever the cutest! Well, what to do…all mommies in the world would share the same feeling towards their babies :p)
2) Ariff got BIG, SHINING eyes like Mama & Papa, and he’s got SHARP nose like Papa!
3) Ariff knows how to pose when Mama wants to snap his pics (Mama thinks so..hehhehhe :0 )
4) Ariff is among the YOUNGEST in age among all the contestants! As-at-today, Ariff is 1 month and 25 days old!
5) Ariff is always well-behaved, very2 easy taking care of him coz he cries only when he is hungry or has a wet nappy, other than that, Mama can just relax – Ariff entertains himself lor..
6) Ariff has started to give Mama his SWEEEET smile (social smile) last week…so Mama is always feeling like jumping every time Mama sees Ariff’s smile(his smiling pose pics are not in RED outfit, so cannot upload in this entry)
7) Mama Ariff loves RED colour, so is Ariff lor.. (what to do, Ariff got to follow Mama, after all, Ariff looks cuter in RED!)
8) Ariff wanna beat his elder brother Zharfan who has been winning in quite a number of baby picture-based contests! YESS, go go go Ariff, you always have Mama & Papa’s support!
9) Other additional reason : Mama Ariff is obsessed huhuhuhu to win the lucrative prizes sponsored by Photobook Malaysia and AliceWonders – Mommy has lots of Ariff’s photos to be printed in the Photobook, and Mommy is ‘bagholic’ too – has been aiming to get hold of AliceWonders fantastic bags!!

Last but not least, many2 thanks to the organizer – MomBloggersPlanet, and also to the generous sponsors, Photobook Malaysia and AliceWonders!

Till then,
Mama Ariff & Zharfan
1.35 pm
nice entry...good luck ya suzie...
thanks ayu :)
Good luck mama Zharfan!
thanks momma mia. good luck to u too :)
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