Monday 29 June 2009

Big Eyes Pouch Sling GIVEAWAY

I came to know about this 'Big Eyes Pouch Sling GIVEAWAY' when I was doing some 'blogwalking'... my eyes are now beaming with smile...guess why??? simple becoz the prize for this giveaway is something that I 'desperately' need at this moment!!
I have been carrying my lil Ariff (now 2 months old) around (I bring him to my office everyday, as Ariff is yet to get any place at nursery), yes..carrying him around without using any sling...only my both hands as his carrier..huh..that's pretty tough, as he now weighs 5.4 kg!!

Let's check out about the Big Eyes Pouch Sling GIVEAWAY then...
Well, it is organized by a mother-cum biz-woman who are in biz of selling babywearing and handmade stuff like pouch sling, ring sling etc !! That's awesome...I always admire those who are biz-minded like Puan Shada -->the owner of Big Eyes Shop.

So, the Big Eyes Shop is giving away a unit of Pouch Sling sized XS (unpadded) to those joining their contest/giveaway.

Here are the rules : (copy paste from the blog)

" * Sila buat entry mengenai GIVEAWAY ini di blog anda.
* Sila tinggalkan komen dan sertakan URL anda, bagi memudahkan BigEyesShop menilai penyertaan anda.

* Add Big Eyes Shop di blogroll/bloglist anda.

* Sekiranya anda tidak mempunyai blog, anda boleh email ke agar dapat bersama-sama menyertai giveaway ini.

* Anda boleh menyertai lebih dari satu penyertaan.

* Dua pemenang akan dipilih secara random.

* Pemenang dibenarkan membuat pilihan memilih antara dua warna pouch sling yang disiarkan.

* Kepada mereka yang telah membeli barangan di Big Eyes Shop amat dialu-alukan menyertai giveaway ini, boleh serta kan gambar babywearing anda.

* Pemilihan adalah muktakmat.
* Tarikh tutup 30 Jun 2009.

* Keputusan akan diumumkan dengan segera setelah kami dapat mencari pemenang yang berjaya memenuhi syarat-syarat diatas.

* Jangan lepaskan peluang......Semoga berjaya."

To Puan Shada...good luck, all the best in ur biz!! If there is rezeki for me to win the Pouch Sling, I would definitely be the proud owner of the Pouch, cum a blessing for my lil Ariff... he would be happier to be carried around by his Mama in the Pouch Sling!!

Till then,
Mama Zhar-Riff
11.55 am

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