Saturday 23 May 2009

Tomorrow is the day...

4 years ago tomorrow (24th May!!) i became a mother for the first time to the adorable boy. I had my gorgeous Zharfan when I was 29.

Last year birthday celebration was a fun one for my boy, as I planned the party at KFC Wangsa Maju. Being a 3-year-old boy already, my Zharfan had understood that the party was meant for him, and he really enjoyed himself at the party. The best part was the game during the event, plus lots of birthday gifts from my family and dear friends.The birthday cake was FOC, part of the KFC bday package :p

I have uploaded all the birthday pics (snapped by Zubye of Eyes of Grace) at picasaweb.

Well, the first birthday for my Zharfan was also celebrated via a birthday party held at home (Taman Industri Bolton), where I had the food catered, and the birthday cake was Pooh plus theme colour was orange.

The second birthday was celebrated via a family holiday at A Famosa Resort, and the cake was Barney!!

So, how about the 4th birthday tomorrow?Emm..I'm still in confinement at kampung...will try to get a birthday cake for my Zharfan, who has requested Ben 10 cake, but that one would be bought when we go back to KL after 2nd June..

Happy Birthday in advance my boy..U have been my source of happiness, inspiration, my everything :)

Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
8.30 am

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