For me, life without internet…emm…feeling like something is missing…
So this morning, I quickly do my emails checking ( I have 2 official emails +, and one yahoo a/c & one gmail a/c)…
Then surfing my fav sites, blogs….which includes

And, that puts a smile on face again, to learn that I (and my hubby’s name as well) is among the 80 winners for the contest MyMesra-Gas Petronas Caption…the prize is soooo sweet ie Big Apple Donut Vouchers! And the other good part is, MyMesra does courier the prize to winners, so no hassle for the prize collection. Thanks MyMesra!!
Anyway,never try this Big Apple donut (though I do love Dunkin Donuts..) so looking forward for the Big Apple then...

In the afternoon, I 'force' myself to start continue working on my thesis...

so I just did some warm up & kickstart the writing...emmm...working on the thesis at home needs a STRONG determination indeed...I MUST do my supervisor from UK is coming over to Msia middle of June to see my progress - that means rite after my confinement..*sigh*
Till then,
Mama Zharfan
5.55 pm
haah...klu xde internet rs mcm giler down hdup..huhu...bosan gilost :D
yup...betul, betul betul :p
kat c ni makanannya sgt sedap;)
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