I was attending my regular ante-natal check-up yesterday morning (with the hoping that this ANC is gonna be the last one before the delivery)...and few unexpected things turn up - that includes:
-my weight had reduced for 1.3 kg compared to last week (whereas I have been eating quite a lot while at kampung..)
-the reduction of weight is actually the result of the lessening of my amniotic fluid (could be dangerous to my baby's growth) which transpired during the ultrasound session done by Dr Lily <-- my gynae
-My lil baby's weight is now 3kg, compared to last week he only weighs 2.7 kg
-Dr Lily suspects that I've started to have irregular/mild contraction, so she sent me to the labour room to do the CTG (Continuous cardiotocography)!!
-After the half-an-hour CTG done, Dr Lily gave me ad advice that I have to undergo 'induced labour' - and finally I chose to have it on 15/4/09 morning..
So now, anxiously counting the hour...though this is my second experience if giving birth, but still the inevitable feeling of worries, scare and mixed feelings keep on lingering on my mind...Prayfully everything is gonna be smooth like my first delivery..Insya Allah..
To all my dear friends, please pray for me...
Till then,
Mama Zharfan
8.50 am
i'll pray for u kak suzie..hope dimudahkan sume proses bersalin tu..
thanks sya..really appreciate that ;)
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