Monday 27 April 2009

Challenges of BF

My Ariff is 13 days today...I'm a lil bit upset with myself as I have not succeeded in breastfeeding him naturally..but I have been trying hard since day 1..the best that I can do for my beloved baby is to express my milk few times a day for my lil baby - manually and using AVENT breast pump (bought urgently last week with the help of my bro-in-law who is working in Metrojaya)...

I hope I would be able to breastfeed Ariff I breastfed Zharfan till he was one and half years old ;)

My lil baby has been receiving money and gift from relatives :) Thanks to all :) I would use the money to buy insurance premium (Takaful Siswa)for Ariff , just what I did for my Zharfan :)

Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
8 pm


  1. insyaallah boleh...slow2 kak suzie..kt pun seminggu baru ada susu..tu pun everyday kn makan lobak putih :)

  2. Insya Allah sya...susu memang byk pun, cuma baby tak pandai nak latch (or mak dia yg tak pandai nak ajar baby latch..)
