T = Tokey terompah is Liyana
E = Extremely classic unique kind of name – “terompahsurau” – no doubt about that!
R = Really2 creative gal – gifted with craft & sewing skills
O = Online shop is www.etsy.com => this is Liyana’s etsy shop
M = Most of the available items, in fact ALL, are cute
P = Priced at an amazingly affordable rate – hey, that’s value for money buy
A = And….the bonus part is, TerompahSurau is currently having a promo/giveaway, offering a cutey-lovely pair of pencil case
H = How to join? The following is the rules & regulations available on Liyana’s blog:
“1. Just leave any positive critics on ANY of my blog posts from now till March 19th.
2. Sign up for our Newsletter on the top right hand side of this blog. No worries, I just send some amazing close-outs and giveaways straight to your mail box.
3. Promote my giveaway on your blog! Feel free to pull this image to use on your blog. And don't forget to leave me a comment so I know you did join my little giveaway.”
S = So, hurry up dear friends & bloggers! Due date is 19th March..
U = U will never know ur luck
R = Remember to comply with the above simple rules yeah!
A = And then just keep ur fingers crossed! (what else to do anyway :p)
U = U have all my support pal! Happy Beeday & All the best with online ur biz Liyana (& best of luck for me in ur contest ;)
Till then,
Mama Zharfan
2.35 pm
home sweet home
wah..sgt kreatif..I don't know that my name was so usesful till u wrote it..hehe..gud luck ok..mari berdoa beramai2..
thanks liyana ;)
tewaSla faN liverPooL caMni
tahniah ek menang....
thanks mama hamzah..;) thanks jugak sbb visiting my blog and dropping a comment at my blog entry...tu dah lama entrynyer tu... ;)
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