Thursday 5 March 2009

My sweet shopping experience with Lil Caliph Online Store ;)

Well, this is my 3rd posting about Lil Caliph...just wanna share my personal shopping experience with them.. last week on Friday I ordered from them cute lil shoes ( I mentioned in my earlier posting about Lil Caliph)...payment was very2 easy and quick - I paid using my credit card ..and in few seconds it's done!! Online shopping is a real privilege for shoppers...and shopaholic like me ;)

On Monday, the lil shoes very fast and convenient...thanks Lil Caliph for a lovely shopping experience, and efficient service too ( I like it so much when Molina -the Lil Caliph owner always responds to me email very2 fast!! - thanks Molina!!)

Since I'm a poem lover, I'd like to share this poem (dedicated to my lil baby in my tummy - for whom I bought the lil shoes ;)

Baby Shoes

Two worn little shoes with
a hole in the toe
And why have I saved them?
Well...all mothers know.

There's nothing so sweet
as a baby's own shoe.
And the patter of little steps
following you.

The feet they once held have
grown slender and strong.
Tonight they'll be tired after
dancing so long.

I guided her feet when she
wore such as these.
Dear God, may I ask you, won't you
guide them now, please?

Just a quick note - Lil Caliph Contest is still running, until the end of this feel free to blog and join the contest! I hope to win this contest, Insya Allah, if got rezeki for me and my lil baby... ;)

Till then,
Mama Zharfan
7.50 pm
home sweet home

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