Tuesday 31 March 2009

My cutey prize from Liyana@TerompahSurau

Liyana is so kind to drop by at my office this afternoon and hand-delivered to me the cute prize!! For me, it always feel good to receive my winning prize, plus it is very2 cute & adorable some more :p

Thanks Liyana a.k.a TerompahSurau blog owner...I really appreciate that :) May you succeed in everything u do yer...ur future career, ur passion, ur lovelife!!

Till then,
Mama Zharfan
9.10 pm
home sweet home


  1. moga selamat melahirkan baby! ade masa sy melawat akak kat melor ye..hehe

  2. nak ikot gi melor..wakakkaka

  3. apisz...dtg la yer dgn liyana...tp tunggu baby kecik kuar dulu ;)
