Last Saturday, my Zharfan & I went to watch Marley & Me at GSC mid valley - utilizing free tix that I won from cinemaonline. My hubby works on Saturday, so I had sweet time with my lil boy - well, before I deliver my lil baby and start my confinement sooon...
The movie is one of my fav genre - combination of family life, lil romance, pet, and my fav actress Jeniffer Aniston. Hence, it is about a marriage and family and all the ups and downs that entails -- and how a beloved pet ie a Labrador dog named Marley can be an integral part.

Yes, I enjoyed watching it - it was awesome but at the end, when Marley was dying, i couldn't hold my tears from rolling down my cheeks - yup, I was crying..the scene was sad & so dramatic! (huh...I went out of the cinema with red eyes and wet cheeks)..Well written and well acted, it brings both laughter and tears - that sums up it all!!
From google search, I discovered that the movie is based on the memoir of Philadelphia Inquirer columnist John Grogan's life with his yellow Labrador retriever. The story is a collection of anecdotes about Marley running wild in Grogan's home and looks at the dog's 13-year life (he died two years ago).

Anyway, this is some of the synopsis that I got from the net:
"As the snow falls on their wedding night, newlyweds John and Jenny Grogan (OWEN WILSON and JENNIFER ANISTON) decide to leave behind the harsh winters of Michigan and head south to begin their new lives in West Palm Beach, Florida. They obtain jobs as journalists at competing local newspapers, buy their first home, and begin to make their way through the challenges of a new marriage, new careers and, possibly, the life-changing decision to start a family.
Unsure of his preparedness for raising children, John confesses his fears to his friend and fellow journalist Sebastian, who comes up with the perfect solution: John should get Jenny a puppy. "There’s nothing to it," says Sebastian. "You walk ‘em. You feed ‘em, you let ‘em out now and then."
John decided to adopt the cute, twelve pound yellow Labrador, who in no time at all, grows into a 100-pound steamroller of unbridled energy that turns the Grogan home into a disaster area. He flunks obedience school, chews off dry-wall, takes a bite out of the sofa, overturns garbage cans, steals a Thanksgiving turkey, consumes pillows and flowers, drinks toilet water, and chases the UPS guy. Even a newly-purchased, expensive necklace isn’t safe from Marley’s voracious antics.
Amidst the mayhem he generates through the years, Marley sees the Grogans through the ups and downs of family life, through job and home changes, and most of all, through the myriad challenges of a growing family. As John and Jenny come to realize, Marley – “the world’s worst dog” – somehow brings out the best in them."
Till then,
Mama Zharfan
8.30 pm
home sweet home
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