Monday 23 March 2009

I won it!! Thanks TerompahSurau a.k.a. Liyana!!

Remember my posting about TerompahSurau Giveaway??

I was so excited to read Liyana's message in my shoutbox this afternoon!!!
I have been selected as the winner for the giveaway!!! Thanks Liyana!! Check out the winner announcement here..

This is I copy paste from TerompahSurau blog..
"...And the winner is...
11:58 AM - Posted by liyana - 2 terompah
I'm so sorry for the delay.. I been away to babysit my lovely nieces and they are driving me crazy.. I will post their pic later k..ihihi

Back to the Terompahsurau Giveaway, I would like to thank everyone for participating. I had so much fun!! I really enjoyed reading each and every one of your comments and entry. The ideas were fantastic!! You never know if yours is going to get made soon.

Without much further ado, the winners of the terompahsurau giveaway is... Mama Zharfan... wii

Have a fabulous Monday everyone..Don't miss my next giveaway on my 100th post k!!"

This is in fact my first time winning for the blog-based contest - hope more rezeki will come after this Insya Allah...Ameenn..

So now, eagerly waiting for this cutey prizes!!

Till then,
Mama Zharfan
5.55 pm
home sweet home