I always love being in cool, hilly areas like Fraser’s Hills (other than Cameron, Genting, Bukit Tinggi – we have limited such cool places in Msia anyway)..
The journey took us exactly 2 hour-drive from our home in Gombak..we arrived at the ‘Gap’ at 11 am, just nice for us to drive up the hill.
Fraser’s Hill is still cool in temperature, serene, peaceful, but since the weekend is extended weekend (Monday is the public holiday for Maulidur Rasul), so there was quite a big number of visitors up there…
Most of the places are currently under upgrading works (like horse-riding area, Allan’s Water and the budget resthouse+foodstalls), so nothing much to be done there, other than enjoying the cool breeze ( I like the ‘goreng pisang’ too which we bought at some stalls there).
So as usual, the MUST activity would be taking photos, yess…because the unique colonial design of the buildings, so it looks very nice in the photos…Talking about Fraser’s Hill, it reminds me of the film ‘I’m Not Single”, where the shooting was done at one of the bungalows there (I love Lisa Surihani’s acting and her cute face ;)
After the photo-taking session at some of the popular spots at Fraser’s Hill (we also performed our Zohor prayer at the Fraser’s Hill mosque), we drove down the hill at 2.30 pm, and reached home around 5 pm.
I always smile whenever I recall all the sweet memories about my honeymoon in Fraser’s Hills (the memories are nicely captured in some romantic snapshots during those honeymoon days ..)
Till then,
Mama Zharfan
7.55 pm
home sweet home
1 comment:
gmbr honeymoon u mcm dlm film lama ala2 'ali setan'..nice pics..
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