The prizes are....taraaa...
1) Simple Dimple toys hamper worth RM 200 (it contains baby tote diaper bag<--I love this one soooo much!, glove puppet book, animal squeakies, baby cooler bag, and 4 plush baby books titles numbers, colours, animals & shapes)
2) Apex Pharmacy hamper worth RM 355(contains infrared ear thermometer, electronic mucus inspirator & digital blood pressure monitor)
3) Buds Baby hamper worth RM200 (contains baby organic stuff like shower gel, baby oil, lotion et c– these products are actually from Australia )
Other prizes that I went to collect yesterday:
4) K-Swiss watch (pink colour) from Cinemaonline City of Ember sms contest (Grand Prize)
5) Marley&Me movie tix from Cinemaonline
6) UIP movie pass won from JUNK online watchmen contest
7) Hamper castrol/utusan won from supa strikas online contest - conso prize
The other hampers were Garnier hamper & Gillette hamper which I won early of this month from Bubbleebiz ;)
And currently still eagerly waiting for the 3D2N voucher of Avillion PD water chalet which I won from voize.my Express Your Love Contest. This grand prize actually I won it under my brother's name ;)
And also still waiting for the cute pair of denim pencil case that I won yesterday from TerompahSurau/Liyana blog contest ;)
I have won or this month quite a list of movie tix/screening preview which include : screening preview or Seven Pounds won from mag Intrend, preview screening for Confession of Shopaholics won from emmagem.com, screening for DragonBall Evolution won from Astro Ceria, and preview screening for movie 'Saus Kacang' won from sinar.fm.
And not forgetting GSC movie tix - conso prize from Valkyrie contest :P
Well,this simply means that it's relatively easy to win movie tix/preview screening :P
Comping has been rewarding and exciting moment, only a comper would know the feeling of joy of other compers ;)Being a small comper like me, I really appreciate my every single winning ;)
Many thanks to all my buddy compers - jing2, ayurafikah, ezna, hidayah - may all of us win more & more!!!
My syukur to Allah for bestowing me with His bounty and rezeki, especially for my lil baby in my tummy. Alhamdulillah..
Till then,
Mama Zharfan
7.35 pm
home sweet home
i'm speechless..tabik spring la kat kak suzie...lol
wahhh...bestnya menang byk brg for new coming baby...alamak suzie i kena semak balik semua hadiah2 yu pernah dapat takut i terbeli brg yang u dah ada as a gift utk baby u nanti...ekekek...anyway congratssssss
ala ayu, no hal punya...i tak kisah pun....yg penting ikhlas kan ;) nanti u dtg umah i yer...
wow nice one. winning berturut turut turut rut rut xD
thanks jj....but can't compare to ur impressive winning which is far a lot!!!
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