I love making my blog entry in this way (like below) –
“not-so-rhyming-one”, just wanna add a lil variance, creativity (I think so..emmm) & spices, with the hope of capturing readers attention – heyyy, blog reading is nothing serious one, but it should be
fun, fun & fun!!!
M=Mommy blogs are mushrooming
Y=YES!!! Now adding a new fav blog in my list – with parenting-related-stuff
S=So lucky to find MySuperKidsdotnet – a truly lovely blog
U=Unexpectedly, so it happened, when I was surfing MomBloggersPlanet
P=Pregnancy, breastfeeding, parenting experience are the sweet topics it covers
E=Errr..the bonus part is,
MySuperKidsdotnet is now running
a contest!!! “School Break Special Super-Giveaway”R=Ready to join anyone?? Come on…who doesn’t wanna win free goodies haaa…
K=Knowing for sure there are some fantastic prizes awaiting
I=In fact, there are 3 PRIZES for 3 LUCKY WINNERS!! It’s a
Chomel Nursing Cover kindly sponsored by
D=Due date of the contest is fast approaching – 31st March 2009
S=So let’s check out
the ways to join it: "Anda cuma perlu menempek poster MySuperKidsdotnet di blog anda, dan link-kan poster itu ke http://mysuperkids.net dan nyatakan serba sedikit tentang contest ini
Nyatakan blog kegemaran/daily dose/inspirasi anda. Tuliskan sedikit background tentang blog itu. Apa saja blog yang anda paling suka, kalau anda suka blog MySuperKids, tuliskan saja tentang blog ni sedikit sebanyak.
Nyatakan kenapa anda suka/terinspirasi dengan blog tersebut.
Berikan cadangan/pendapat/komen untuk blog MySuperKids supaya lebih menarik berinspirasikan blog yang anda nyatakan tadi. Kalau pilihan anda adalah blog ini, just berikan cadangan/pendapat/komen untuk improvement.
Kalau tak pandai tulis panjang2, tulis satu ayat pun cukup.
Kalau anda tak ada blog, boleh isikan saja di ruangan komen di entry ini.
Jangan lupa inform saya kalau dah buat & sertakan link ke entry anda sekali." d=don’t waste anymore time, act now!
o=or u might regret later
t=thus, to all contestants & mommy bloggers (yeap…that’s including me myself)
n=no worries if don’t win this contest anyway
e=eventually we make new friends cum networking with other mommy bloggers
t=that’s great isn’t it??!! & equally rewarding too…and a zillion of thanks to Mommy Lyna for having a fascinating blog & for organizing this alluring SUPER GIVEAWAY!
My inspirational blog:Definitely parenting-related blogs, such as
babyibu.blogspot.com &
malaysiansupermummy.blogspot.com; why? Simply because they are all fantastic mommies bloggers..successful in familylife, career, and share the same passion like me – BLOGGING!
My daily dose:Being an avid, yet small comper, I have obsession with comping/contest-related blogs or site, my fav is
emenang.com; why? I believe in
‘live life to the fullest’..’life is short, so make it sweet’ – comping adds sweetener to my life…very fun & rewarding too!
Besides, I love staring at baby-kids photos, so my fav blog is
eyesofgrace.blogspot.com…a picture can tell thousand of words!

One more category I’d like to add here…
my newly found love..yessss, none other than
MySuperKidsdotnet…its gonna add to my list of inspirational blogs! Parenting-mother-baby-stuff has never failed to impress me…and
MySuperKidsdotnet has it all!
(this is truly my honest, sincere, deep from heart remarks..)View- MySuperKidsdotnet is very interesting & informative
Comment – There’s always room for improvement
Suggestion – More pics please…baby/kids pics are simply awesome, eye-catching, heart-melting!!
- More contest like this giveaway – very effective to promote blog and increase traffic flow to ur blog, so that the information, parenthood related stuff will reach & can be shared with more and more mommies on the net..
I pray all the best to Mommy Lyna being the owner of MySuperKidsdotnet…and hopefully there’s a rezeki for me and my lil baby in tummy (due soooon this coming 15th April) to win the adorable Chomel Nursing Cover! Ameen…
Till then,
Mama Zharfan
9.35 pm
Home sweet home