Wednesday 11 February 2009

Cute prize from GSC/Bolt

It really cheered me up when I got home this afternoon to receive a cute hardcover limited edition BOLT notebook from GSC as one of the consolation prize winners in the GSC/BOLT contest. (the courier boy simply left the small package in my letter box)..In fact, this is my first time ever winning something from GSC contest ;)
this cute lil prize adds up to my prize winning list for February ;)

Anyway, this morning, I went for my routine ante-natal check-up...I was thrilled, excited and amazed to see my lil baby 3D scan image @ 29 weeks now- he weighs 1.67 kg...his mouth and nose can be seen clearly (he looks like my boy Zharfan), but my lil baby puts his tiny hands on his eyes, so I could not see his eyes...he even yawned during the scanning session...can't really wait to see, hug and cuddle 2 months time.. ;)

Till then,
Mama Zharfan
9.00 pm
home sweet home


  1. I love this Movie...the note book is so cute....

  2. I belum sempat lagi nak tgk movie ni, but I really2 love all the characters, esp Bolt..yup, the note book is cute (I do think so heheh)
