Monday 18 February 2008

A trip to remember...

Birmingham is such a big city, much bigger compared to Notts, and the weather is extremely cold too!!!... Yesterday, I went to Sealife (like Aquaria or Underwater World in Msia). Then I stayed overnite in Traveldoge-sharing a room with Aisyah, Farizah & her baby Fawaz.

Today, I went to Cadbury World. Then I went to one of the shopping complexes in Birm, called Bullring. Overall it's such a nice, fun, enjoyable, new experience (+tiring too, especially on the way back). Travelling in Europe, the biggest challenge I think is to find a place to perform solat and to find halal food. Yet to take photos (lots of them!!) is one of the best things to do, because of the wonderful, lovely scenery of Europe :)

I would have enjoyed my trip more if my hubby and baby is around with me here...To comfort myself, I did sms my hubby + gave him a call few times during the trip - I guess he knows how much I miss him and wanna be with him....Insya Allah, soon...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
6.45 pm

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