Monday 11 February 2008


It's a great blessings to have friends whom you can laugh with and depend on whenever you need it...being faraway from Msia, I always count my blessings to get to know some true friends here in Notts, like qawy, farizah & fatz, aishah & latif...I hope that the friendship that I've made here will last even when I'm back in Msia, or when they're back in Msia in 3 years time... :)

When I was surfing the net few days back, I saw some love quotes on one of the forum on Other than 'baby quotes'. I do love these kinds of lovely, romantic quotes..:) so sweet to dedicate it to my loved one (who else, my hubby of course! ;)

"Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for our love doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart."

40 days to's getting closer and closer...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.50 pm

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