Tuesday 15 January 2008

Two and half months to go..

Waiting to go back to Msia makes me looking forward to the days to come...in essence it's the waiting to be together with the love of my life again (my hubby & my baby!)
It's like waiting for all the past important dates, big DAYS in my life - waiting for the day of my convocations (undergraduate & masters), the day of 'aqad & wedding day, the day I gave birth to my baby (which was exactly on the edd - ie estimated due date itself!)... I guess most women share this kind of big days in their life like me...

Anyway, I always say syukr lillah for all those great days - I cherish every single moment of the days...and one more big day will come soon (in 2 1/2 months :)

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
3.05 pm

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