Thursday 10 January 2008

Muharram Wishes

I pray for the happiness, joy and blessings of Muharram in everything that I do...and the same wishes for all my loved ones, my baby, hubby, family and dear friends...Amiin...

In order to write, we have to read... loads of books!! I'm reminding myself to keep on reading and that my thesis writing would be smoother... Insya Allah.

Talking about books, I noticed that my boy is sharing the same passion with me..books! I have started to buy him variety of books which suit to his age ever since he was born..and it's worth it..

Last few days, I bought my Zharfan couple of books for kids when I went to city center., just to add to his books collection that he already has...can't wait to be with him again..cuddling up with a good book isn't just good for my little bundle of joy; it's a great way to spend quality time together...and I'm looking forward to be with my baby soon...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.53 pm

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