Sunday 27 January 2008

Mama's day out ;)

It's Saturday, so not really in mood to do my reading (or writing-up)..
In the morning, I went to visit my friends' baby girl, Sarah who has just been discharged from ward for bronchitis. Alhamdulillah, she is getting better now.

Then, I boarded a tram to city centre to do some shopping!!! Yes...Managed to buy a few stuff in my 'to buy list' - the most important one is my contact lense solution - it's extremely pricey here compared to Msia! *sigh...*

And bought a card for my beloved hubby (our first date anniversary is coming soon in middle of February..) and of course I bought something for my Zharfan too ....a striped tshirt - Thomas the Tanks which is so lovely in my eyes... Shopping is always a delightful activity for me to do.. :)

I know the time is getting closer for me to be reunited with my boy again...and I'm counting the days as usual....

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.40 pm

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