Saturday 12 January 2008

It's just another dull Saturday...

Being away from my hubby and baby...Saturday is not much awaited for me...

When I was at home, I used to enjoy and look forward to every weekends ; the much-awaited time to spending fun time together - sometimes we go on vacation Cuti-Cuti Malaysia, if not, we just spend our weekends like going out to theme parks, water parks, shopping complexes, visiting friends & relatives (occassionally), eating out by having breakfast or dinner at one of our favourites restaurants...well, there's simply loads of things to do together...

My life is a world different here at Notts, without my two sweethearts...notwithstanding the fact that Notts is such a great and lovely place..only if my baby & hubby are here with me...

74 more days to go...and half Chapter to be completed!

Ilal liqa
Mama Zharfan
3.35 pm

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