Thursday 24 January 2008

A hectic day

Today is Thaipusam in Malaysia (which means my hubby is not working today..)

As for myself, I was having 5th meeting with my supervisor , Prof Torremans in the afternoon, mainly for the submission of my part II chapter one. There's another meeting next week - for him to give comments and feedbacks on my writing...that's part of phD all about anyway....

In the eve, I was having pizza for dinner with my friend, Ruth (a split phD student like me). We spent about two hours chatting while enjoying the yummy Mario Pizza...a nice little break for us....

Insya Allah, my plan to go back on 21st March would be realised, as I already asked for a permission from my supervisor, and he seems ok with it, provided I settle everything here...

And I'm gonna see my baby soon....I really2 miss my Zharfan!!

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
8.50 pm

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