Wednesday 9 January 2008

Heart-melting magic moments...

All moms will cherish every single new skills that their baby masters - first smile, first giggle, crawling, waving goodbye... the magical moments continue and continue. Being away from my baby for more than 4 months already, I have missed some important milestones which my Zharfan has achieved so far...

I managed to keep track of my sweetheart milestones and progress via recorded video clips from my hubby, my brother and my nieces. Now I'm always happy to see how my Zharfan is now able to build some bricks with a new design, pretending he's reading ABC (he still memorizes whatever I have taught him before I flew to UK), singing new nursery really melts my heart...

I know the time will come soon, for me to hug, kiss & cuddle my adorable little prince again..

Anyway, today is a hectic day for me...with lots of writing-up to be done, yet little has been done so far...really got to work harder for the remaining 78 days more...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.15 pm

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