Monday 24 December 2007

Life is really-really dull without internet access...

It all started yesterday afternoon when I could not access to internet using my usual Internet Explorer browser...

The problem remains unsolved, until Qawy, a friend of mine came to fix the prob up, and showed me how to use Mozilla Fifefox as the alternative browser..thanks God..can't really imagine how dull the life is without the internet access :)

Today is a real MISTY day...reminds me of hazy day in Malaysia, except it's extremely cold here...

In the morning, I went to Mothercare at Castle Marina, main purpose was to buy a birthday gift for Fawwaz, my friend's chubby baby boy.I managed to get a nice, sweet suit with a reasonable price.
And of course I bought some stuff for my little hero :) - a toy (magnetic numbers), a suit and few t-shirts & 2 pairs of cute socks..buying things for my baby is a kind of 'theraphy' to lessen my suffering being away from my boy...only God knows how much I miss him..
Anyway, I simply love all baby clothes from Mothercare!!!

Then, in the afternoon, again I joined Aisyah&Latif to have some window shopping - we went to IKEA! Managed to get a nice sheep rug, which I have been aiming for some time to get one from IKEA Malaysia, but the price seems cheaper no second's legally mine now :)

Illa liqa'
Mama Zharfan

1 comment:

  1. sis, masa ni sis sorang2 kat UK ke ?
    hubby semua kat malaysia ?

    sorry sebab miza baru godek entry-entry lama sis. sekarang baru faham and kenal sis sikit-sikit :)
