Tuesday 1 January 2008

Good bye 2007...

Time flies...and 2007 has been a great, exciting year for me...

I was chatting with my hubby on yahoo messenger, and we shared our heart to heart new year resolution...the priorities of course to our little bundle of joy- our boy Zharfan.
Distance ('beribu batu jauhnya..') has made us appreciating, loving each other even more, and that's a real blessing in disguise..

Looking back at 2007 at a glance...syukur Alhamdulillah..there have been so many memorable events in my life..with my loved ones..
it started off with Langkawi wonderful vacation in Jan 2007..
and the anugerah penghargaan buat ibu by karangkraf for my mom at Prince Hotel KL..love u sooo much "Ma"...

and then Zharfan's birthday celebration in A Famosa Resort, our 3rd wedding anniversary vacation in Pangkor Island, weekend escapade at water chalet Bukit Merah Laketown Resort with my beloved sister & brother...

It was also so sweet for me to win the first prize (a brand new JVC camcorder) in a contest in Pa&Ma magazine ...
and lastly of course -me being in UK for the first time in my life for my ph.D pursuit.

My prayers, humble doa' to Allah, may year 2008 be the best for us...with many more dreams, visions and resolution to be accomplished...Amin...

ilall liqai fi 'am jadid
Mama Zharfan
6.05 pm
31st Dec 2007