Saturday 29 December 2007

Baby in action

My friend Ezna was telling me about her excitement of attending her 3 year old daughter singing performance "inilah barisan kita" at her playschool presentation day. I know perfectly how she feels.

Her story (sms & emails) reminds me of my Zharfan sports day when he was still in IIUM Educare...I was overjoyed to see him taking part in the telematch...yet he's so small to understand or appreciate what's going on in the telematch...and being so young, small and a little bit "manja" he was so clingy to me; I had to hide myself, so that his teacher managed to coax him to join the telematch when he didn't see me around. And his Cik Teh managed to snap a pic, which is the only pic of me and my Zharfan on his very first sports day ever - that was in June 2007...One of the fondest memories of me & my little boy..

Ilall liqa'
Mama Zharfan
2.48 pm

1 comment:

  1. time ni dah balik malaysia ke sis ?
    melepas rindu kan. bestnyaaa zhafran dapat jumpa mama dia :)
